Yorkshire Differential Geometry Days

  • YDGD1 University of York, 12/11/03
  • YDGD2 University of Hull, 3/3/04
  • YDGD3 University of Leeds, 5/5/04
  • YDGD4 University of York, 9/6/04

There will be four Yorkshire Differential Geometry Days during the 2003/04 academic year, organized by geometers at the Universities of Hull, Leeds and York. The local organizers are:

Jürgen Berndt, University of Hull

Martin Speight & John C. Wood, University of Leeds

Ian McIntosh & Chris Wood, University of York

Yorkshire Differential Geometry Days are supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society. Previous years' programmes may be viewed here.

[ University of Leeds ] [ School of Maths. ] [ Pure Maths ] [ Diff. Geom. Group ]
This page is maintained by J.M. Speight