Yorkshire Differential Geometry Day
at Leeds

Wednesday 5 May 2004

  • 10.30 - Coffee outside Mathematics common room, level 9

  • 11.00 - John C. Wood (Leeds)
    Jacobi fields along harmonic maps

  • 13.15 - Madeeha Khalid (Warwick)
    K3 correspondences

  • 14.30 - Brendan Guilfoyle (IT Tralee)
    Geometric optics and the Casimir effect

  • 15.30 - Tea outside Mathematics common room, level 9

  • 16.00 - Christoph Bohle (TU Berlin)
    Conformal tori in S4 and integrable systems

All interested are welcome to attend. All lectures in Room G23, the Baines Wing.

Dinner will be organized at a local restaurant.

Please let Martin Speight (speight@maths.leeds.ac.uk) know if you intend to arrive by car.
For information on the location of the University and a Campus Map, please consult the web page: http://tldynamic.leeds.ac.uk/leisure/alphabet.asp

Yorkshire Differential Geometry Days are supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society. More information on the series is available at:

[ University of Leeds ] [ School of Maths. ] [ Pure Maths ] [ Diff. Geom. Group ]
This page is maintained by J.M. Speight