University of Durham --- Department of Mathematical Sciences

Yorkshire and Durham Geometry Days

A Yorkshire and Durham Geometry Day will be held on Friday 15 May 2009 at Durham University.

All talks will take place in CM 107 in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

The timetable is as follows:

10:30 Coffee Mathematics Department Common Room (Room CM211)

11.00 Roger Moser (Bath)

"Variational methods for biharmonic maps"

12:00 Lunch

1.30 Joey Oliver (Durham)

"Characteristic curves at a cusp of Gauss on smooth surfaces in 3-space"

2.00 James Thompson (Durham)

"Complex Hyperbolic Triangle Groups and Lattices in PU(2,1)"

2.45 Katrin Leschke (Leicester)

"Willmore tori in the 4-sphere"

3.45 Tea Break Mathematics Department Common Room (Room CM211)

4.15 Norbert Peyerimhoff (Durham)

"Some global geometric and spectral aspects of non-positively curved planar graphs"

There will be an early evening meal in Durham, for all who are able to stay.

Travel: Durham is easy to get to by car and train. Click here for relevant information.

A taxi from Durham station takes about 10 minutes and costs about £6. If you intend to drive to Durham, please inform one of the Durham organisers, who will arrange for a car parking permit for you.

Yorkshire and Durham Geometry Days are jointly organised by the Universities of Durham, Leeds and York, and occur at a frequency of four meetings per academic year. Financial support is provided by the London Mathematical Society through a Scheme 3 grant, currently administered by the University of York. A record of previous meetings may be found here

The local organizers are:

John Bolton & Wilhelm Klingenberg, University of Durham

Martin Speight & John C Wood, University of Leeds

Ian McIntosh & Chris Wood, University of York