Yorkshire and Durham Geometry Day
in Memory of Jim Eells

University of Leeds, Friday 11 May 2007

Jim Eells was Senior Visiting Professor at Leeds after his retirement from Warwick.
He passed away on February 14th, 2007, at the age of 80 years.
We shall remember his enormous influence in four talks by his former students.

  • 10.30 - Coffee outside Mathematics common room, level 9

  • 11.00 - Opening of the meeting

  • 11.10 - John C Wood (Leeds)
    Infinitesimal deformations of harmonic maps

  • 13.15 - Paul Baird (Brest)
    The quest for harmonic maps between spheres

  • 14.30 - Fran Burstall (Bath)
    Harmonic Gauss maps

  • 15.30 - Tea outside Mathematics common room, level 9

  • 16.00 - Luc Lemaire (ULB, Brussels)
    The work and influence of Jim Eells

  • 17.00 - Close of the meeting

All interested are welcome to attend. Lectures will be in Roger Stevens Lecture Theatre 16, over the level 10 bridge from Mathematics.

After the meeting, an early dinner will be organized at a local restaurant; members of Jim's family hope to be present. It would be appreciated if you could let John Wood know (j.c.wood@leeds.ac.uk) if you wish to attend this, or if you intend to arrive by car.

Yorkshire and Durham Geometry Days are supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society. More information on the series and travel instructions are linked from:

There is a Workshop on Integrable Systems just before this meeting, see
or contact Allan Fordy (allan@maths.leeds.ac.uk).

[ University of Leeds ] [ School of Maths. ] [ Pure Maths ] [ Diff. Geom. Group ]
This page is maintained by J.M. Speight