Yorkshire and Durham Geometry Day
at Leeds

Friday 7 January 2005

  • 12.00 - Meet outside Mathematics common room, level 9 (where we normally have coffee) if you want to go to lunch at the SCR

  • 13.15 - Martin Speight (Leeds)
    Slow wave maps and the method of Manton

  • 14.30 - Ian McIntosh (York)
    Quaternionic holomorphic curves and the QKP equations

  • 15.30 - Tea in Blenheim Terrace

  • 16.00 - Reiko Miyaoka (Kyushu)
    On the Gauss map of algebraic minimal surfaces

All interested are welcome to attend. All lectures in Seminar Room 1.17, School of Education Primary Centre, Blenheim Terrace. To get there from the main entrance of the university (near the Parkinson steps and clock tower), cross the main road towards the banks, turn right and walk for about 150 metres. The building is set back from the road and is marked 11-14 Blenheim Terrace.

Dinner will be organized at a local restaurant.

Please let Martin Speight (speight@maths.leeds.ac.uk) know if you intend to arrive by car.
For information on the location of the University and a Campus Map, please consult the web page: http://tldynamic.leeds.ac.uk/leisure/alphabet.asp

Yorkshire Differential Geometry Days are supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society. More information on the series is available at:

[ University of Leeds ] [ School of Maths. ] [ Pure Maths ] [ Diff. Geom. Group ]
This page is maintained by J.M. Speight