Yorkshire Differential Geometry Day
at Leeds

Friday 25 January 2002

  • 10.30 - Coffee outside Mathematics common room, level 9

  • 11.00 - Kevin Houston (Leeds)
    Geometry of cross-caps

  • 13.15 - Birte Feix (Cambridge)
    Hyperkaehler structures with torsion on nilpotent Lie groups

  • 14.30 - Fran Burstall (Bath)
    Harmonic maps in unfashionable geometries

  • 15.30 - Tea outside Mathematics common room, level 9

  • 16.00 - James Eells (Warwick and Cambridge)
    Automorphisms of the circle - and Teichmueller theory.

All interested are welcome to attend. Talks will be in Roger Stevens Lecture Theatre 10 (just across the bridge from Mathematics), University of Leeds.

Please let John C. Wood (j.c.wood@leeds.ac.uk) know if you intend to arrive by car.
For information on the location of the University and a Campus Map, please consult the web page: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/campus/location-maps.html

Yorkshire Differential Geometry Days are supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society. More information on the series is available at: http://www.amsta.leeds.ac.uk/pure/geometry/ydgd.html

[ University of Leeds ] [ School of Maths. ] [ Pure Maths ] [ Diff. Geom. Group ]
This page is maintained by J.M. Speight
Last Updated 3 December 2001