Yorkshire Differential Geometry Days



The late Summer Yorkshire Differential Geometry Day will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday September 5 at the University of York.

The timetable will be as follows:


12.30 --- 1.30 Lunch Derwent College

1.30 --- 2.30 Ian McIntosh (York) Room G045, Goodricke College

"Constant Mean Curvature k-Noids"

2.45 --- 3.45 James Grant (Hull) Room G045, Goodricke College

"Conformally Invariant Seiberg-Witten Monopole Equations"

3.45 --- 4.30 Tea Break Room V131, Vanbrugh College

4.30 --- 5.30 Franz Pedit (Amherst) Room G045, Goodricke College

"Willmore Tori in the 4-Sphere"

We will congregate on the first floor landing of Vanbrugh College (just outside the Maths Department office) from 12.00, prior to walking over to Derwent for lunch.

There will be an early evening meal in York for anyone who can stay on afterwards.


A PDF file of this schedule is also available.



Click here for a web-friendly map of the University of York main (Heslington) campus, which is where the meeting will be held.
Goodricke College is building no. 24, Derwent College is building no. 23, and Vanbrugh College is building no. 27.
(Room V131 in Vanbrugh College is in fact the Mathematics Department's tea/coffee room).
Car parking is available in just about any car park shown on the map, but the University has recently introduced a closely monitored pay and display system which will require payment of £1. We will reimburse this charge. (However, we won't reimburse the cost of removing a wheel clamp!)
Click here for a map of the university in relation to the local main roads.
Click here for a map of the university in relation to the City of York, including the location of York railway station. The distance from the station to campus is about 1.5 miles. Bus no. 5 calls just outside the station and stops on University Road between buildings 8 and 9 on the campus map.

This meeting is the fourth and final Yorkshire Differential Geometry Day during the 2000/01 academic year, organized by geometers at the Universities of Hull, Leeds and York. The local organizers are:

Jürgen Berndt, University of Hull

John C Wood, University of Leeds

Ian McIntosh & Chris Wood, University of York

Yorkshire Differential Geometry Days are supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society, which has recently renewed the grant for 2001/02.