Yorkshire Differential Geometry Days



The inaugural Yorkshire Differential Geometry Day was held on Wednesday November 29 at the University of York.

The timetable for the day was as follows:


10.30 --- 11.00 Coffee Goodricke College SCR

11.00 --- 12.00 Martin Speight (Leeds) Room G045

"The L^2 geometry of spaces of harmonic maps"

12.15 --- 13.15 Henrik Pedersen (Odense, visiting Oxford) Room G045

"Heisenberg groups, Kodaira manifolds and complex deformations"

13.15 --- 14.15 Lunch Goodricke College SCR

14.15 --- 15.15 Jim Eells (Cambridge) Room PL006

"On stratified Riemannian geometry"

15.15 --- 16.15 Tea and Discussion Goodricke College SCR

16.15 --- 17.15 Dmitri Alekseevsky (Hull) Room PL006 or PL002

"Classification of pseudo-Riemannian hyperKaehler symmetric spaces"


A PDF file of this schedule is also available.


Click here for a web-friendly map of the University of York main (Heslington) campus, which is where the meeting will be held. The same map is also available as a PDF file
Goodricke College is building no. 22, and Goodricke SCR is on the first floor with a magnificent view over the university lake. To find the SCR, take the stairs by Goodricke porter's lodge and turn double left at the top. (Please note that this is not part of the Department of Mathematics, which is situated in Vanbrugh College).
Car parking is available in the Campus West car park, which is located just right of building no. 17 on the map, and accessed from Heslington Lane. This car park is unsupervised, but anyone parking here is strongly advised to display a day permit in order to avoid encountering a University wheel clamp; day permits will be available (free of charge) at the meeting.
Click here for a map of the university in relation to the local main roads.
Click here for a map of the university in relation to the City of York, including the location of York railway station. The distance from the station to campus is about 1.5 miles. Bus no. 5 calls just outside the station and stops on University Road by building no. 6 on the campus map.

There will be four Yorkshire Differential Geometry Days during the 2000/01 academic year, organized by geometers at the Universities of Hull, Leeds and York. The local organizers are:

Jürgen Berndt, University of Hull

John C Wood, University of Leeds

Ian McIntosh & Chris Wood, University of York

Yorkshire Differential Geometry Days are supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society.